Las metáforas instituidas de la donación de órganos. El caso del marco jurídico mexicano y la entrevista familiar.


  • José Ramiro Treviño Universidad de Guadalajara


In this article I analyze the main metaphors present in both, the guide to the Alicante Family Interview Model and the Mexican General Health Law. The interest in these texts is based on the fact that they directly regulate cadaveric organ donation and through them we can find what they stand out and obscure conceptually. From the Conceptual Metaphor Theory point of view, this dynamic of hiding and highlighting characteristics of the concepts reveals the underlying value systems and the way in which they affect our actions. For this reason, I consider that knowing this conceptual dimension around organ donation is important for the view of the policy changes that have occurred in other Latin American countries. The findings point to the relative incompatibility between the most widespread conceptual and value systems about the body and death and those present in these regulatory texts on donation.

Author Biography

José Ramiro Treviño, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Sociología y Maestro en Comunicación por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Ha publicado artículos, capítulos de libro y dado conferencias sobre temáticas relacionadas con la bioética y las representaciones del cuerpo. Su tesis de maestría se titula “Explicar la muerte encefálica y la donación de órganos. El uso de metáforas por Coordinadores Hospitalarios de Donación. Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara, 2019-2020”

