Perspectivas en el estudio del embarazo adolescente. La condición etaria.


  • Paula Karina Quevedo Mojarro Universidad de Guadalajara


This article discusses different ways in which adolescent pregnancy is approached and acknowledged. It presents and organizes the literature developed for the comprehension of this phenomenon in two categories: perspectives and approaches. Such organization favors the articulation of a critical reflection about the certainties that are commonly established around teenage pregnancy. This ordering of the literature in perspectives –conventional and critical– in the approach of adolescent pregnancy, has the purpose of placing elements that challenge the way this phenomenon is constructed as an object study in social sciences, and favors the generation of new questions and junctions for a more complex and inclusive discussion. One of the articulations proposed for new debates regarding this issue, is established around the age condition contained in teenage pregnancy.

Author Biography

Paula Karina Quevedo Mojarro, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Maestra en Gestión y desarrollo social, ambas por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Miembro honorífico del Consejo Ciudadano de Mujeres de la Secretaría de Igualdad Sustantiva entre Mujeres y Hombres SISEMH. Miembro de la Red de Defensoras de los Derechos de las Mujeres Jalisco. Miembro del Padrón Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud.

