Cuerpos vulnerados sin derecho a ser explotados. El caso de personas que viven con Enfermedad Renal Terminal en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, Jalisco
This essay aims to account the situation of disability and employment discrimination experienced by people with kidney failure. The analysis focuses on the category of social class and its relationship with disability and the labor market. The interest in social class is due to the fact that the majority of users of public health system belong to the working class. People living with kidney disease and disability face rejection and employment discrimination by not having capable bodies to work. It starts from the idea that the labor market requires healthy and capable bodies to produce. Inequality in access to work exacerbates the violation of human rights (access to health, education, food, housing, life). For the analysis, the Social Model of Disability is taken up, which proposes respect for the human rights of people with disabilities and allows other forms of oppression, domination, discrimination and social exclusion to be visible.Downloads