Del sistema de protección al desamparo: Estrategias de sobrevivencia y acumulación de desigualdades en las mujeres tras el egreso de una institución. Un estudio de caso en Guadalajara, Jalisco


  • Silvia Yunuén Macías Carrillo


The analysis focuses on the life circumstances of women graduated from institutional care in the State of Jalisco, from the perspective of the accumulation of social disadvantages, in life trajectories. This approach allows us to make visible the situation of precariousness, inequality, the violation of human rights and the social exclusion faced by the graduates. Qualitative study, data analysis was performed from the life course methodology of Mora and Oliveira. First, the institutional context of the state protection system is shown. Then, the life circumstances of the women after discharge are described. Then, the analysis and discussion of the case is made. Finally, preliminary results are outlined that account the obstacles that women face in the course of their lives, caused by the accumulation of social disadvantages, mainly economic and gender. The lack of opportunities to access education, employment, and health is a common denominator in the graduates. The accumulation of social disadvantages is installed in the female body and determines the experience of sexuality, motherhood, upbringing, life as a couple, family and economic survival.

Author Biography

Silvia Yunuén Macías Carrillo

Estudiante de la Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Social de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Psicóloga de formación. Trabajó durante 10 años en el Hogar Cabañas (un Organismo Público Descentralizado del gobierno de Jalisco); se desempeñó como psicóloga de niñas de 8 a 12 años, fue coordinadora del Departamento de Psicología y Subdirectora Educativa de la institución. Actualmente colabora en Casa Küyen A.C. en un programa de seguimiento a mujeres adolescentes que están por egresar, o recién egresadas, de instituciones de cuidados residenciales.

