Sistematización metodológica para estudiar el problema de “Mujeres y acceso a la Justicia en el caso específico de la violencia de género en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco México, periodo 2021-2022


  • Abril Anahisa Sánchez Ruiz


The purpose of this research article is to show the methodological route implemented in the master’s thesis “Women and access to Justice in the specific case of gender violence in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico, period 2021- 2022”, with the aim of supporting feminist research, and counteracting those sexist biases in the social sciences, and provide in detail a methodological systematyzed option, which records what is made invisible in traditional legal methods, and identify those processes by which women must go through to claim and exercise their rights.

Author Biography

Abril Anahisa Sánchez Ruiz

Egresada de la octava generación de la Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Social periodo 2020-2022. Universidad de Guadalajara.

