Las niñas, adolescentas y mujeres en las políticas sociales.

Elementos a considerar para una lectura en clave feminista y de género de las políticas sociales.


  • Jhoseline Jazmín Quezada Gómez Estudiante


The present text is the result of multiple reflections arising from readings and discussions in the Social Policies class in Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Social. These reflections are linked to my research project titled: “La experiencia del ejercicio de las maternidades en mujeres sobrevivientes al abuso sexual infantil a partir de un estudio narrativo desde el feminismo interseccional en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara”. Firstly, you can find a contextualization and justification of social policies from a gender perspective. Subsequently, there are definitions and discussions about social policies, addressing the State and citizenship as key actors in these policies. Additionally, there are observations from a feminist and gender perspective regarding how social policies view girls, adolescents, and women as guarantors of protection. I also describe some of the objectives, benefits, and challenges of employing gender perspective in social policies. I conclude these pages with a series of reflections on the direction social policies should take in order to achieve their goal: social transformation, this time with, by, for, and from the diversity of women. Keywords: social policies, gender perspective, women, rights, development.

