Acumulación de desventajas, principal desventaja para el desarrollo social.

El caso de las mujeres institucionalizadas y su egreso.


  • Silvia Yunuén Macías Carrillo
  • Amelia Berenice Barragán De Anda
  • Ana Martha Belmonte Herrera


The article presents the results of an investigation of the Master's Degree in Management and Social Development, which shows how the accumulation of disadvantages constitutes the main disadvantage that institutionalized women face throughout the course of their lives, hindering their transitional processes towards autonomy and hindering social development. The text is organized, addressing four aspects: social development, gender perspective, autonomy processes and accumulation of disadvantages, which are analyzed in relation to the reality experienced by graduates of institutional care, from where the accumulation of disadvantages will be understood as the main disadvantage to achieve autonomy in these women.

