Arte, literatura y habitantes de calle: reflexiones desde una perspectiva decolonial
In this article, I intend to make a theoretical reflection based on the review of some authors of the Latin American decolonial perspective, relating it to my experience of collective participation and the artistic and literary expressions that emerged individually and collectively, by people, artists and writers who live on the street.This document is part of the progress of action research entitled Literary experiences of the street inhabitants of Guadalajara from the community, which I carried out as part of the Master’s Degree in Management and Social Development at the University of Guadalajara, but which has been built previously, thanks to my participation in the collective La Otra Calle, a collective of artists and street dwellers located in the same city, Guadalajara, Jalisco.In addition to documentary research, some of the qualitative methodological resources used are reflected here, such as ethnography and autoethnography.Downloads