This is an outdated version published on 2021-09-25. Read the most recent version.

Modelo multimodal de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Consideraciones para mejorar la práctica docente post pandemia


  • Amelia Berenice Barragán de Anda Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Claudia Ávila González Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Ana Martha Belmonte Herrera Universidad de Guadalajara
  • María de Jesús Camarena Cadena Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Raquel Gómez Valenzuela Universidad de Guadalajara


In 2021, the educational scenario hit both by the pandemic and its consequences in all dimensions of economic and social life, the construction of new learning models to support distance processes mediated by technologies and technologies cannot be postponed. And with this respond to better serve the educational needs emerging from the historical moment that we are living through. We are aware that the interest in learning from students persists and this generates new teaching needs on how to support them in a context of social distancing. This article provides some considerations to improve teaching practice during and after pandemic.                The authors share their experience of implementing a hybrid teaching-learning model, on which this didactic proposal is articulated with the purpose of encouraging new good teaching practices, establishing some principles that should be considered in a multimodal learning model that can be used both at the undergraduate and graduate level, oriented to the teaching of social sciences.


