From discourse to reality: (Im)possibilities for transformation in three contexts of confinement



In this text, we compare our experience in a participatory action research project that explores structural violence in Mexico through the production of autobiographical narratives of people confined in three different contexts: a prison, a rehabilitation clinic, and a group home. Using a theoretical framework of institutionalization and transformative education, we consider the factors that facilitated and hindered transformative learning in each setting. In the results, we highlight the benefits linked to the stability of the groups, the interest in developing reading, writing, and dialogue skills, as well as the enthusiasm for participating in a project that seeks to reduce stigmas and share their stories. Conversely, the main obstacles have to do with complicated relationships with formal and informal authorities and norms, inequalities between participants, and structural violence that inhibit the possibility of transformation.

Author Biographies

Rebecca Danielle Strickland, ITESO

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales del CIESAS, profesora-investigadora en el departamentode Psicología, Educación y Salud del ITESO y miembro del Sistema Nacionalde Investigadores en México, Nivel 1. Funge como especialista en temas deSeguridad y Justicia para el observatorio ciudadano Jalisco Cómo Vamos y coordinadoradel Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program en México. ORCID: 0000-0002-2410-0650. E-mail:

Ilsse Torres Ortega, ITESO

Doctora en Derecho –en la línea de investigación de filosofía del Derecho– porla Universidad de Alicante, profesora-investigadora del departamento de EstudiosSociopolíticos y Jurídicos del ITESO y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadoresen México, Nivel 1. Ha sido Investigadora invitada en la Cátedra deCultura Jurídica de la Universidad de Girona (Cataluña) y en el Instituto Tarello dela Universidad de Génova (Italia). ORCID: 0000-0002-5929-9137. E-mail:

